FP6 priority
1.1.6   Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems
Title of the proposal

Beech forests diversity protection in the Male Karpaty Mountains, West Slovakia

Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Landscape Ecology ,
Stefanikova 3, P.O.Box 254, 81499 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Ferdinand KUBICEK, Ing., DrSc.
+421 2 52494834

Research subject for a potential FP6 project

The intention of the project is to continue with the complex production-ecological research focused to the problem of an influence of intensive human activity to deciduous, prevailing beech eco-systems in the Male Karpaty Mountains. The aim of the project will be analyses and syntheses of a present state of studied forest ecosystems, mainly the finding out of parameters of anthropogenous interferences and trends of its development in the future, a study of the ecological carrying capacity of these forests and finally the obtaining the basic information for providing a balance of forest and other adjacent ecosystems.

The main target of the project will be the biodiversity protection of forest, mainly beech eco-systems of the Male Karparty Mts on the base of utilization the results obtained during the period MAB-UNESCO Programme solution.

Enforcement of research results should be in direct connection with a creation and protection of natural and life environment, because of it solves a problem relevant with an ecological optimalization of land-use and it serves at scientifing justifying of proposals and measures connecting with a quantification of tourism and landscape carrying capacity.

Recent international cooperation of the research team

Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute, Horsholm, Danmark
University of Agriculture, Brno, Czech Republic
University of Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany
Universitat fur Bodenkultur, Wien, Austria

Proposerīs relevant publications related to the research subject

Kubicek, F., (ed.) 1977: Projects of the main task: Function, structure and productivity of the forest ecosystems in the Male Karpaty Mts (in Slovak). UEBE SAV, Bratislava, 131 pp.
Kubicek, F., Simonovic, V., 1980: Total herb layer biomass in several less-presented forest communities in the Male Karpaty Mts. Biologia (Bratislava), 34, p. 571-582.
Kubicek, F., 1981: Production of litter fall in beech forests. Biologia (Bratislava), 36, p. 851-857.
Kubicek, F., Simonovic, V., 1991: Above-ground and below-ground biomass of the herb layer in Slovakiaīs forest ecosystems. In Mc Mitchell, B. L., Persson, H. (eds.): Plant roots and their environment. Elsevier Sci. Publ. B.V. The Netherlands, p. 218-224.
Oslanyi, J., 1988: Production and productivity of the beech forests tree layer in the Male Karpaty Mts. (in Slovak). Acta ecologica, 31, Bratislava, 113 pp.