FP6 priority
1.1.6   Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems
Title of the proposal

Variation, ecology, distribution and health condition in original species genus Quercus L. (mainly Q. cerris L.) in Slovakia

Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of forest ecology Zvolen, Branch of woody plants biology,
Akademicka 2, 949 01 Nitra, Slovak Republic
Jozef POZGAJ, Dipl. Ing., CSc.
+421 37 7335738

Research subject for a potential FP6 project

The solved problem is focused of original oak species of the genus Quercus L. in Slovakia. There is solved individual species variation on the base of selected morphological marks (assimilatic organs, staminate flowers, fruits, buds, winter twigs, bark, physical and mechanical properties). Ecological claims are observed according to phytocenoses, soils, slope orientation, geomorphological shapes and pad in Zlatnik (1959) and Hancinsky (1972) sense. We have obtained mentioned knowledges and knowledges about oak species extensions and their health status in situ. Special attention we will give to Turkey oak (Q. cerris L.) especially in National Nature Reservation „Patianska cerina“ and his native cultivation. There is experimental area Quercetarium cifare for progeny variability observation and its relationship to maternal tree. There are located in Quercetarium cifare all original oak species of genus Quercus L. (Q. dalechampii Ten., Q. polycarpa Schur, Q. petraea (Matt.)Liebl., Q. robur L., Q. pedunculiflora C. Koch, Q. frainetto Ten., Q. pubescens Willd., Q. virgiliana Ten. and Q. cerris L.), seeded since 1982. The experimental area Quercetarium cifare was established as latin rectangle experiment. There are 27 subarea, per 20x25 m. There are observed growth parameters (height and stem diameter) and the juvenille variation of assimilate organs. There are people from several institutions (Institute of Forest Ecology Slovak Academy of Sciences, Technical University Zvolen, Slovak Agricultural University Nitra, Philosopher Konstantin University Nitra, Forest Service cifare, Protected Landscapic Region Ponitrie) in work team.

Recent international cooperation of the research team

IEC, NAS lvov, Ukraine
Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
IE, CAS, ceske Budějovice, Czech Republic

Proposer´s relevant publications related to the research subject

POZGAJ J.: The heights of seedlings of original oak trees in Slovakia in the experimental quercetarium at cifare and their shade demands. Lesnictvi 36, 5, 1990, p. 381-394.
POZGAJ J.: World areas and ecosystems of the native species of the Quercus L. Genus in Slovakia. Folia Dendrologica 23, 1-2, 1997, p.21-38.
POZGAJ J.: Quercus polycarpa Schur (polycarpic oak) in Slovakia. Folia oecologica 26, 1-2, 1999, p.21-32.
POZGAJ J.: Quercus dalechampii Ten. in Slovakia. Folia oecologica 28, 1-2, 2001, p. 7-21.
POZGAJ J., HORVATHOVA J.: Acontribution towards the undersbanding of variability and ecology of selected species of the genus Quercus L. in Slovakia. Acta dendrobiologica, VEDA SAV, Bratislava, 1986, 151 pp.
POZGAJ J., NIc J.: Phytocenological characteristic of some forest communities with Quercus dalechampii Ten. in Western Carpaties. Folia oecologica 28, 1-2, 2001, p. 23-32.
POZGAJ J., POzGAJ R., JAKAB R.:Turkey Oak (Quercus cerris L.) and the Higher Flora in National Natural Reserve „Patianska cerina“. Rosalia (Nitra) 15, 2000, p. 31-42.