FP6 priority
1.1.5   Food Quality and Safety
Title of the proposal

Molecular detection of comensals and bacterial pathogens

Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Animal Physiology
Soltesovej 4, 040 01 Kosice, Slovak Republic
Vladimir Kmet, DVM, PhD, DSc, assoc.prof
+421 55 6785075

Research subject for a potential FP6 project

Project proposal is oriented on the optimalisation of molecular diagnostics ( PCR, real time PCR, DGGE and FISH) in veterinary and food microbial diagnostics.

The microbial interactions between comensals and pathogens shall be be studied (animal intestinal disorders). As a food matrix shall be used milk and soft cheese, poultry rinsing and meat surface swabs.

As a comensals shall be used aggregative lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, enterococci, anaerobic bacteria (Prevotella, Selenomonas, Fibrobacter) and normal intestinal microflora.

As a pathogens verotoxigenic E.coli (including O157), Listeria monocytogenes , Yersinia enterocolitica, Clostridium perfringens and Campylobacters shall be used.

Recent international cooperation of the research team

Participation in two 5RP projects: QLK1-CT-1999-00226 „Food PCR“ and QLK2-CT2001-01267 „ genus Clostridium\"

Proposer´s relevant publications related to the research subject

Lucchini F., Kmet, V., Cesena C., Coppi L., Bottazi V., Morelli L.: Specific detection of a probiotic Lactobacillus strain in faecal samples by using multiplex PCR. FEMS Microb. Lett. 158, 1998, 273-278
Zatkovic B., Molnarova V., Kmet V., Javorsky P., Pristas P.: Diversity of DNA Sequences Among Restriction Endonucleases Producing Selenomonas ruminantium Isolates Detected by Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus Based Polymerase Chain Reaction (ERIC-PCR) . Anaerobe 6, 2000, . 299-304
Holko I., Urbanova J., Kantikova, Pastorova K., Kmet V.: PCR detection of Listeria monocytogenes in milk and milk products - differentiation of suspect isolates. Acta Vet. Brno, 71, 2002, 125-131
Bujnakova D., Kmet V.: Aggregation of Animal Lactobacilli with O157 Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli . J. Vet. Med. B., 49, 2002, 152-154