FP6 priority
1.1.5   Food Quality and Safety
Title of the proposal

Measuring and Monitoring of Farm Animal Welfare

Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Animal Biochemistry and Genetics
900 28 Ivanka pri Dunaji, Slovak Republic
RNDr. Lubor KOSTAL, CSc.
+421 2 45943232

Research subject for a potential FP6 project

Among the other topics the Food Quality and Safety thematic area covers within the Safer and environmentally friendly production methods and healthier foodstuffs a theme of improvement of animal husbandry and animal welfare from housing to slaughter.
Our research team has been involved since 2001 in the COST Action 846 Measuring and Monitoring of Farm Animal Welfare, the main objective of which is to develop, standardise and intercalibrate methods of measuring and monitoring farm animal welfare and to stimulate welfare research. There are at the moment 17 signatory countries involved. One of the aims of the Action is to prepare an European research project proposal.
The welfare of domestic animals is a major issue in society today. It influences agricultural policy decisions, the economic situation for farmers and plays a key role in all public discussions related to animal production. In recent years it is recognised that the conditions under which the animals are kept and transported and the welfare of the animals is a relevant factor in consumer acceptance of the animal product. More and more the welfare image of the product becomes important for consumers and thus retailers. This stimulates the demand for solid on farm monitoring systems to assess and evaluate the welfare status and risks of the animals and to enable guarantees about welfare aspects and production circumstances. The main objective of the COST Action and the potential FP6 project is to develop, standardise and intercalibrate methods of measuring and monitoring farm animal welfare and to stimulate welfare research. The COST Action and potential FP6 project creates a \"knowledge base\" from which European bodies as well as national governments may request advice.

Recent international cooperation of the research team

COST Action 846 - Measuring and Monitoring of Farm Animal Welfare signatory countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria (intention), Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

Proposerīs relevant publications related to the research subject

Kostal L., Savory C.J., Hughes B.O. Diurnal and individual variation in behaviour of restricted-fed broiler breeders. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 32, 361-374, 1992.
Kostal L., Savory C.J. Influence of pharmacological manipulation of dopamine and opioid receptor subtypes on stereotyped behaviour of restricted-fed fowls. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 48, 241-252, 1994.
Kostal L., Vyboh P., Savory C.J., Jurani M., Kubikova L., Blazicek P. Influence of food restriction on dopamine receptor densities, catecholamine concentrations and dopamine turnover in chicken brain. Neuroscience 94, 323-328, 1999.
Kubikova L., Vyboh P, Kostal L. Behavioural, endocrine and metabolic effects of food restriction in broiler breeder hens Acta Veterinaria Brno 70, 247-257, 2001.
Savory C.J., Kostal L. Application of a radiotelemetry system for chronic measurement of blood pressure, heart rate, EEG and activity in the chicken. Physiol. Behav. 61, 963-969, 1997.