FP6 priority
1.1.2   Information Society Technologies
Title of the proposal

Advanced Electron-Beam Lithography and Pattern Transfer of Micro- and Nanostructures

Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Informatics
Dubravska cesta 9, 84237 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
+421 2 5941 2557

Research subject for a potential FP6 project

Advanced techniques for the paterning of micro- and nanostructures: the development of reproducible and conformal patterning of micro-, submicro- and nanometer structures for the creating of new micro- and nanoelectronical devices and multifunctional micro- and nanosystems. Direct-writing electron-beam lithography (DWEBL) for the fabrication of high-resolution and high aspect-ratio resist structures for deep anisotropic pattern transfer into the substrate material by using selective reactive ion etching (RIE).
  • · Patterning techniques for the development of „lab-on-a-chip„: Miniaturization of total chemical analysing systems (TAS) using microfabrication technology (lithography, reactive ion etching, micromolding). TAS concept has many potential applications in biotechnology, process control, environmental and medical sciences. The research in this field aims at miniaturization and integration of (bio)chemical operations onto a chip (so called „lab-on-a-chip„) using microfabrication technology. Some individual steps, such as capillary electrophoresis, polymerase chain reaction, DNA hybridization, and chromatography, have been successfuly miniaturized. However, integrating them into a multistep system is a big technical challenge. Using microfabrication techniques, mass production of microchip devices for microTAS is expected as economically feasible.
  • · Advanced imprint technique for a large area nanostructures patterning: Ultrahigh density magnetic recording is predicted to exceed records in the order of 100 Gbits/in2 in the next few years. Nanoimprint technique is one of the candidate for the fabrication of nanoscaled magnetic materials of advanced performance to be used as future increased-density information-storage media.
  • · Vacuum deposition processes development for thin films on various bulk/membrane substrates with controllable (in-situ) stress-adjustment of coatings. Optimization of the low stress carbon layer deposition. Physical-chemical-mechanical analysis of sputtered carbon thin layers.

  • Recent international cooperation of the research team

    IMA-Institute of Microstructure Technology and Analytics, University of Kassel, Germany; Institute of Semiconductors and Optics, TU Braunschweig, Germany; Institute of Industrial Electronics and Material Science, TU Vienna, Austria; IMS Nanofabrication GmbH, Vienna, Austria; Institute of Microelectronics, NCSR Demokritos, Athens, Greece;

    Proposer´s relevant publications related to the research subject

    1. N. Glezos, P. Argitis, D. Velosiotis, I. Raptis, M. Hatzakis, P. Hudek, I. Kostic, „Aqueous base development and acid diffusion length optimisation in negative epoxy resist for electron beam lithography“, Journal of Vacuum Science Technology B, Vol. 18 (2000) pp. 3441-3434
    2. T. Lalinsky, J. Skriniarova, I. Kostic, A. van der Hart, P. Hrkut, S. Hascik, L. Matay, Z. Mozolova, P. Kordos, „T-shaped gates for heterostructure field effect transistors“, Vacuum, Vol. 61 (2001) pp. 328-332,
    3. T. Debski, W. Barth, I.W. Rangelow, S. Biehl, P. Grabiec, I. Bekh, A. Lushkin, A.E. Il`Chenko, V.V. Il`Chenko, I. Kostic, P. Hudek, S. Mitura, „Gated field emitter arrays„, Microelectronic Engineering Vol.57-58 (2001) pp.813-818
    4. S. Hascik, P. Hrkut, I. Kostic, A. Konecnikova, „Dry etching of carbon layers in various etch gases„, Vacuum. Vol. 58 (2000) pp. 434-439