FP6 priority |
1.1.2 Information Society Technologies
1.2.1 |
Title of the proposal |
Navigation Module for Demining Vehicle |
Institute |
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Informatics Dubravska cesta 9, 842 37 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
www.ui.sav.sk |
Contact |
Research subject for a potential FP6 project
Our aim is the contribution to solution of navigation problem of autonomous vehicle control inthe humanitarian mine clearance. We will build the navigation module integrated into movement control system of the demining vehicle. This module will be built as an information agent collecting, managing and manipulating information coming from diverse sources, and it will generate the appropriate commands, inevitable for the next current navigation step of the vehicle motion. Main attention will be focused to the solution of the scanning of the work operation area, mapping this area, obstacle recognising and building the obstacle avoidance algorithm. We intend to use the computer vision system for scanning the local operation area. The designed map building algorithm and algorithm for obstacle detection will serve as a base for the construction of obstacle and collision avoidance functions. Then the navigation commands for vehicle motion control will be issued. All the information about terrain and about vehicle motion will be used for purposes of building the list of navigation history and for issuing the navigation report message. The knowledge of navigation history can serve as a rule of return along the yet passed path in the case of unpassability of the intended path or in the case of lost orientation or lost control over the vehicle. The last behaviour should be performed autonomly by the vehicle system itself.
Recent international cooperation of the research team
Proposer´s relevant publications related to the research subject
Janglova D.: Neural Networks in Intelligent Agent Control. Proceedings of papers Int. Workshop on Robot-Multi-Agent Systems R-MAS 2001, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 2001, str.11-15
Uher L., Povazan I.: Map Updating from Sparse Range Finder Data. Proceedings of the 7thInternational Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region RAAD´98, Smolenice, Slovakia, 1998, str. 273-278
Uher L., Povazan I.: Automatic Inspection of Products by Visual system (1). (in Slovak)AT&P Journal, roc.VIII, plus2, 2001, str. 62-65 |