The SAS proposals for participation in FP6 projects
are listed in blocks according to the FP6 priority theme structure

FP6 priority
1.1.7   Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge-based society
Title of the proposal

Small States of Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century Bipolar World

Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Historical Sciences
Klemensova 19, 81364 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
+421 2 52925753

Research subject for a potential FP6 project

Contemporary historical research on the bipolar world from World War II to the late 80ties is predominantly aimed at international relations and the policy of the great powers. This orientation overshadows the place and the role of the small states of Central and Eastern Europe in the post-war global and European development. Being the part of the Soviet block system they had, nevertheless, their own foreign policy and international interests and attempted to enforce them. These were based not only upon the given political situation but enclosed also the inherited notions and conceptions of the future created in the course of historical development of the individual nations.

From this point of view the subject proposal objective is to open a systematic and mainly archival research – backed up by the previous partial studies – on the foreign policy and international interests (often mutually controversial) of Central and Eastern European states beginning with World War II and developing throughout the period of the Communist regime. The research will also identify the main inner factors within the national societies (political, economic, spiritual, cultural, historical) influencing the official policy making process. In this connection the special attention will be given to the attitudes of the establishment and the society towards the problems of: war and peace, disparate political, economic and military integration within the bipolar world, bilateral and international relations within the Soviet block and with the Western world.The objective of the research is also to prepare the knowledge based foundation for identification of the common and diverse attitudes of the individual societies towards the contemporary European integration.

Recent international cooperation of the research team

Institute of Contemporary History, Prague, Czech Republic; Institute of History AS CZR, Prague, Czech Republic, Institute of History HAS, Budapest, Hungary; Institute of History PAS, Warsaw, Poland;

Proposer´s relevant publications related to the research subject

- Stredna a juhovychodna Europa – sondy do vyvoja v 40. rokoch (Central and South Eastern Europe – Probe into Development of 40ties). Ed. P. Petruf. Bratislava, Historicky ustav SAV 1992, 219 pp.
- Stredna a juhovychodna Europa v politike velmoci (Central and South Eastern Europe in the Policy of Great Powers). Ed. P. Petruf. Bratislava, Historicky ustav 1994, 210 pp.
- Erzwungene Trennung. Vertreibung und Aussiedlung in und aus der Tschechoslowakei 1938-1947 im Vergleich mit Polen, Ungarn und Jugoslawien. Ed. D. Brandes, E. Ivanickova, J. Pesek. Essen: Klartext-Verl., 1999, 336 pp.