The SAS proposals for participation in FP6 projects
are listed in blocks according to the FP6 priority theme structure

FP6 priority
1.1.7   Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge-based society
Title of the proposal

Ethnic diversity – a factor of cooperation and conflicts in new Europe. Ethnic minorities in Central Europe, cooperation of boundar-line regions

Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences
Karpatska 5, 040 01 Kosice, Slovak Republic
Doc. Dr. Stefan SUTAJ, DrSc., Mgr. Milan OLEJNIK, PhD.
+421 55 6255856

Research subject for a potential FP6 project

a/ The issues of the ethnic diversity and cooperation of cultures (historical memory, identity, tolerance , relations..) at the same time. The characteristic of ethnic diversification on the base of statistics, use of language, exploitation functional cultural institutions and their place in the formation of multicultural society in Slovakia and in the Europe. A special attention will be devoted to the issues of Roma – questions of human rights, tolerance, racism etc.b/ The boundary-line cooperation of involved regions (in the sphere of economy, culture, historical traditions etc.) and orientation of these regions on integration in EU. The possibilities of dialogue among the Slovak regions, surrounding regions in other countries of Europe, a development of inter-regional relations and revitalization of boundary-line regions, educational issues, ethnic schools and social, economic and ethnic characteristics of population of researched regions (migration, unemployment, travel for work...).
c/ The history of regions with the emphasis upon the boundary-line regions of Slovakia. The historic analysis of relations between a majority and ethnic minorities, the basic trends of development of boundary-line regions of Slovakia in relation to the neighbours and integration to the EU. On the project will participate historians, sociologists,economists, psychologists, demographers etc.

Recent international cooperation of the research team

Institute for Research of Ethnic Minorities HAS in Budapest, Institute of Slavistics, Institute of Gemanistics and Bulgarian Instituite ELTE of Universitz Etvos L. in Budapest, Research Institute of Union of Slovaks in Hungary in Bekecsaba. Ulster University, Northern Ireland, IK, Institute of Contemporary History AS CR Prague, Silesian Institute of Silesian Land Museum of Opava, Sociological Institute of NAS of Ukraine.

Proposer´s relevant publications related to the research subject

GAJDOS, M. – KONECNY, S.: Ethnic Minorities in Slovakia. In: Role of the Carpathian Euroregion in Confronting Its Minority Agenda. Presov; Uzhorod: Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association; Strategies Studies Foundation, 2001, 13-25.
GABZDILOVA, Sona: Evacuation of the German population out of Slovakia at the end of the World War II. In: Clovek a spolocnost, 2001, roc. 4, c. 4,
SUTAJ, S. - GAJDOS, M. - JUROVA, A. - OLEJNIK, : Ethnic minorities and their culture in Slovakia in the context of historical development in twentieth century. In: KOVAC, D.(ed): Slovak contributions to 19th. international Congress of Historical Sciences. Veda Bratislava 2000, p. 135 – 149.
SUTAJ, S. - OLEJNIK, M.: Law and practice of Central European countries in the field of national minorities protection (Slovak Republic) In. KRANZ, J.(ed.): Law and Practice of Central European Countries in the Field of National Minorities Protection After 1989. Centre for International Relation. Warszawa 1998, s. 269 - 321.
SUTAJ, S.: Zwangsaustausch bzw. Aussiedlung der Madjaren aus der Slowakei – Plane und Wirklichkeit. In. BRANDES, D. – IVANICKOVA, E. – PESEK, J. (Eds.): Erzwungene Trennung. Die Vertreibungen und Aussiedlungen in und aus der Tschechoslowakei 1938-1947 in Vergleich mit Polen, Ungarn und Jugoslawien. Dusseldorf 1999, s. 250-272.
BACOVA, V., HOMISINOVA, M.: Political Development in Slovakia as Understood by the Hungarian Minority\'s Political Parties after the Emergence of Slovakia. In: J. Mucha (Ed.): Dominant Culture as a Foreign Culture: Dominant Groups in the Eyes of Minorities. East European Monographs. New York: Columbia University Press 1999, 79-95.