The SAS proposals for participation in FP6 projects
are listed in blocks according to the FP6 priority theme structure

FP6 priority
1.1.7   Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge-based society
Title of the proposal

European Integration Process and the states of Central and Eastern Europe

Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Political Science,
Dubravska cesta 9, 813 64 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
PhDr. Miroslav PEKNIK, CSc.
+421 2 54789724

Research subject for a potential FP6 project

Project is focused on the integration of Slovakia and other candidate states of Central and Eastern Europe - V 4 countries and Baltic states - with EU. We shall analyze influence of this process, that we understand as multidimensional and multilevel-character process (EU, CoE, PfP, NATO, OSCE), on the development of multilateral regional cooperation as well as on the development of the relations of candidate states with the states, which shall become the neighbours of the future EU after its enlargement, i. e. with the former republics of the USSR and with Balkan countries. The aim of the project is to analyze the social discourse on the processes of European integration in these states and to formulate the possible scenarios of the further development in the area of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The second part of our research deals with the issues of populism in CEE. We see populism as usually accompanied by the growth of such phenomena like nationalism, racism and xenophobia. These phenomena are closely connected with the processes of deepening of European integration and in CEE particularly with the end of Communism and open society building. From this point of view the subject proposal objective shall be focused mainly on the Roma minority. In this context we consider a systematic analysis of the situation of Roma population as one of the crucial question of the building of democracy in the region.

Recent international cooperation of the research team

Austrian Institute of East and Southeast European Studies, Vienna, Austria
Historische Kommission, Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna, Austria
Peter Pazmany Catholic University, Pilis Csaba, Hungary
Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland

Proposerīs relevant publications related to the research subject

KREJCI, Oskar: Mezinarodni politika (International Politics). Praha: Ekopress, 2001.
SEBESTA, Stefan: Euroatlanticke partnerstvo. NATO v dokumentoch z rokov 1990-1999
(Euroatlantic Partnership. NATO documents 1990 – 1999). Ed.: Sebesta Stefan. Ministerstvo zahranicnych veci SR, Vybor vlady pre pripravu SR na clenstvo v NATO, Bratislava 2001.
POLACKOVA, Zuzana, Van Duin, Pieter: Unterwerfung, Uberleben, Errettung. Die politische Psychologie des Rechtspopulismus in der postkommunistichen Slowakei. (Submission, survival,salvation: The political psychology of nationalist populism in post-communist Slovakia). In: EISMANN, Wolfgang (Hg.): Rechtspopulismuas. Osterreichische Krankheit oder europaische Normalitat? Czernin Verlang, Wien 12001, pp. 129-149.
MARUSIAK, Juraj: Poland as a Regional Power and Polish-Slovak Relations. In: Slovak Foreign Policy Affairs, vol. II., No. 1, Spring 2001, pp. 36 - 55.
POLACKOVA, Zuzana: Historical Background of the Slovak-Austrian Relations. In: Slovak Foreign Policy Affairs 1/2001, SFPA Bratislava, pp. 22-30.
DULEBA, Alexander: Rusko, NATO a Europska bezpecnostna a obranna politika (ESDP) (Russia NATO and ESDP). In: Alexander Duleba, Ivo Samson (eds.): Slovensko a NATO. Bezpecnost prostrednictvom spoluprace. (Slovakia and NATO. Security by Cooperation). SFPA, Presov 2001, pp. 61-76.