The SAS proposals for participation in FP6 projects are listed in blocks according to the FP6 priority theme structure
FP6 priority |
1.1.7 Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge-based society
1.7.1 |
Title of the proposal |
Through the common Past to the common Future of Middle Danube Nations (Celts, Romans, Germans, Slavs, Hungarians = Europeans) |
Institute |
Slovak Akademy of Sciences, Institut of Archaeology 949 21 Nitra, 2 Akademicka, Slovak Republic |
Contact |
Research subject for a potential FP6 project
In the frame of the subtheme „ Knowledge-based Society and social cohesion“ the project ans-wers, on scientific, medial, and local municipality levels, questions of common historical consciousness and cultural heritage using the example of settlement continuity of urban agglomerations in the Danube region, spanning, as shown by e.g. Kehlheim, Ingolstadt, Linz, Wien, Bratislava, Esztergom, Budapest, from pre-urban sites, Celtic oppida, to Medieval and modern towns that have risen under the same “town beneath town” model of historical development.
The goals –to strenghten the identification of inhabitants from the towns on Danube and within the Danube basin with their home/native area through pointing out/stressing the common roots to contribute to integration processes within the European conception. The support of the urban and suburban tourism.
Means – In collaboration of archaeological and cultural heritage institutions, towns and regional municipalities, to create the general models of historical development stressing their similarities and common relations based on examples of chosen sites.
Tools – research, publications, presentations of chosen sites, articulation of familiarisating tourist pathways, common itinerant (moving) exhibition.
Work group from Archaeological Institute SAS participates to the attempt on the Slovak part of the Danube, co-operating on projects with Germany (Roman Finds in european Barbaricum), Austria (Porta Hungarica) and Hungary (Cross-boundary research activities). The institute offers specialists, provides constructing of archaeological models as well as reconstructions and cohesion of individual activities to common project focused on presentation of results within society. |
Recent international cooperation of the research team
RGK Frankfurt/M., Magistrat Ingolstadt, Universitat Wien, Prahistorische Kommission OAW Wien, Magistrat Hainburg a.d.D., Muzeum Esztergom, MNM Budapest, Institut of Archeology MTA Budapest |
Proposer´s relevant publications related to the research subject
PIETA, K.: The North Carpathians at the beginning of the Migration Period. In: Antiquity 65, 1991, 376-387.
FRIESINGER, H. - PIETA, K.: Kelten-Romer-Germanen. Eine Konfrontation an der Donau. In: Grenzenloses Osterreich, Wien1994, 103-106 .
PIETA, K.: Liptovska Mara. Ein fruhgeschichtliches Zentrum der Nordslowakei. Bratislava 1996.
PIETA, K.: Die fruhen norisch-pannonischen Handelsbeziehungen mit dem nordlichen Mitteldonauraum. Peregrinatio Ghotica, Brno 1997, 45-61.
PIETA, K. - PLACHA, V.: Die ersten Romer im nordlichen Mitteldonauraum im Lichte neuen Grabungen in Devin. In: Germanen beiderseits des spatantiken Limes. Koln-Brno 1999, 179-205. |